Pricing Neighbourhood scan

Pricing Neighbourhood scan

  Digital neighbourhood scan For local governments that want to get a head-start with a ready-made questionnaire. Representative neighbourhood scan For local governments that want all-round support in carrying out a representative survey. Most popular Collaborative Neighbourhood scan For local governments that want all-round support to work with residents on the challenges of the neighbourhood.
Phase 1: Project design
Roadmap done done done
Project design (governance, milestones, deliverables) done done done
Brainstorm roadmap and approach done done done
Kick-off meeting with key people (what, why, when) done done done
Phase 2: representative survey and interviews
Digital survey done done done
Sampling and survey through Dillmann method (digital, paper, phone) done done
Set up and prepare interviews done
Process quantitative and qualitative data done done done
Neighbourhood capacity mapping done done done
Phase 3: Co-creation and offline workshops
Communication workshops done
Logistics and preparations workshops done
Workshop: Neighbourhood lens and project ideas done
Process quantitative and qualitative data done
Phase 4: Reporting
Neighbourhood analysis and report done done done

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