One in five households in the municipality of Terneuzen is active on Hoplr's participation platform. How they achieved this, you can read here!
One in five households in the municipality of Terneuzen is active on Hoplr's participation platform. How they achieved this, you can read here!
Municipality of Terneuzen receives support from Hoplr for the launch of their new digital participation platform.
Read all about the neighbourhood scan: a participative measuring instrument to map a neighbourhood's assets in collaboration with residents.
Dr. Jonas De Meulenaere is Hoplr's brand new citizen engagement expert. In this article, we'll shed light on his experience and service.
We recently launched a web form that allows you to easily submit requests for assistance to the Neighborhood Concierge at any time.
Punt Welzijn, a service-oriented welfare organization in Weert and Nederweert, works to improve livability in the neighborhoods and encourage residents to make the most of themselves.
The 31st edition of the European Social Services Conference (ESSC) took place in Malmö, Sweden, from 14th to 16th June 2023, with a strong focus on “Advancing Social Services: The Role of Technology in Promoting Autonomy and Inclusion.” Among the participants, our digital platform for community engagement, Hoplr, proudly stood out as the winner of […]
Everyone needs a little help now and then. Plenty want to help. But how do you match offer and supply? Read how Hoplr can help.
Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter) have long been used by municipalities and social service agencies to communicate with citizens. While they offer accessibility, concerns over privacy, misinformation, and limited control raise a key question: Are they truly the best fit for public services? The European Social Network (ESN) brings together […]
Reaching citizens with Hoplr is a piece of cake. We'll inspire you to set up actions that will allow you to boost your conversion up to 60%.
Our customers received a report with a raft of fascinating results about their impact with Hoplr. Check out the key figures here.
In the face of such great diversity, how can City of Luxembourg stimulate social cohesion and neighbourly help? Read how and why the city launched Hoplr.