One in five households in the municipality of Terneuzen is active on Hoplr's participation platform. How they achieved this, you can read here!
Most popular features
10x more reach and engagement with our Neighbourhood app. Also works in combination with existing neighbourhood networks within your city or municipality.
Request a demodone Privacy verified done Ad-free done Impact-driven
Community building is the key to inclusive policy making
Strengthen the involvement within the neighbourhood. Social cohesion and community engagement are essential to achieve meaningful public participation.
How does it work?
Effortlessly create targeted campaigns that engage citizens and drive participation. With our powerful segmentation tools, you can focus on the right audience for maximum impact.
Our team helps you create effective ad campaigns on social media to increase the reach and engagement with your audience. We provide expert guidance and content for platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Increase community involvement and establish a strong local presence through offline activities.
The neighborhood network ensures that citizens are involved in their neighborhood around numerous topics and themes:
Bundle all communication around a project or campaign in one place.
Invite citizens and other stakeholders to submit ideas and proposals
Collect insights from your citizens with interactive maps
Visualizations in an easy to use dashboard
One in five households in the municipality of Terneuzen is active on Hoplr's participation platform. How they achieved this, you can read here!
Municipality of Terneuzen receives support from Hoplr for the launch of their new digital participation platform.
Read all about the neighbourhood scan: a participative measuring instrument to map a neighbourhood's assets in collaboration with residents.
Dr. Jonas De Meulenaere is Hoplr's brand new citizen engagement expert. In this article, we'll shed light on his experience and service.
During a 45' video call we: