

At Hoplr, we take pride in collaborating with organizations that share our commitment to community empowerment.

Invior, as a partner in participation, offers independent advice and project guidance on policy participation according to the Invior method. This method consists of three steps: first, insights are gathered for every societal issue (INsight), which are then translated into a shared position and direction for solutions (VIew), and finally, the necessary implementing actions are determined to achieve a solution (ORganization).

MONDEA aims to be the game changer for individuals and organizations in the public and non-profit sectors. We strive to enhance performance and create a visible difference with lasting impact. We achieve this through our shoulder-to-shoulder approach, passion, extensive practical experience, and expertise.

Go Vocal’s mission is to build stronger democracies by making public decision-making more inclusive, participatory, and responsive. Our mission is  driven by the Sustainable Development Goals, and as a Certified B Corp we aim to have a meaningful impact across all of our work. When you choose to work with us, you’ll get a world-class platform, and we’ll become your active partners throughout your engagement initiatives.