The #1 digital platform for community engagement

Connecting local governments and neighbourhoods

Hoplr is the #1 digital platform for community engagement. We help local governments with neighbourhood oriented communication, community care and public participation.

Trusted by +250 local governments and social services

Together we build sustainable and caring neighbourhoods

Learn about our award-winning solutions for community engagement

Hoplr for Governments is a powerful platform that enables local governments to connect with their communities. Through a user-friendly interface, governments can easily share information, gather feedback and foster engagement.



Neighbourhood app

Stimulate social cohesion and circular economy through a peer-to-peer network.
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Public participation

Involve the silent majority, generate insights and make data-driven decisions.
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Neighbourhood concierge

Support vulnerable citizens with volunteers from within the neighbourhood.
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Neighbourhood app

Stimulate social cohesion and circular economy through a peer-to-peer network.

Expand your reach by lowering the treshold to participate

On average 32% of the households in a neighbourhood sign up and actively use Hoplr on a weekly base for circular economy, help requests and information. Local governments can communicate to one, several or all neighbourhoods.

  • User-friendly interface
  • Hyperlocal connection and relevance
  • Neighbourhood oriented communication
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Stimulate resilient and self-organizing communities

Activate the social capital within the neighbourhood. This concerns resources such as material, knowledge, time, volunteers and infrastructure. 43% of all neighbourhood messages involve exchanging items or help.

  • Asset based community development
  • Connect citizens with different backgrounds
  • Resilient and self-organizing communities
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Increase exchanges, strengthen offline connections and wellbeing

From online connections to offline encounters. More than 40% of the Hoplr users meets a new neighbourhour in real life within the first year. Each connection helps to fight loneliness.

  • Stimulate circular economy
  • Strengthen social cohesion
  • Improve social contact
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"Our audience is now much more diverse than before, with not only older men above 50, but also many young adults and a larger number of women. Hoplr has become an indispensable part of Terneuzen. We regularly receive questions from council members whether a certain message has already been shared via Hoplr." 

Jozien Borgmeijer Advisor citizen and government participation, municipality Terneuzen

Public participation

Involve the silent majority, generate insights and make data-driven decisions.

Involve the silent majority in local projects and decision-making

More than 20% of the Hoplr users engages with participation projects. Hoplr shifts the focus from the individual to the local community and activates the silent majority.

  • Involve the silent majority
  • Shift the focus to the community
  • Better urban planning and development
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Community building is the key to inclusive policy making

Social cohesion and community engagement are essential. Make neighbourhoods more livable and improve the quality of life with inclusive community engagement and public participation.

  • Inclusive policy making
  • Meaningful public participation
  • Strengthen the involvement
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Generate more bottom-up initiatives

Citizens can run their ideas and initiatives by the community or share them with the local government. Optional, the most popular projects can be funded with participatory budgeting.

  • Bottom-up initiatives
  • Share ideas
  • Participatory budgeting
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Neighbourhood concierge

Support vulnerable citizens with volunteers from within the neighbourhood.

Mobilize more volunteers in each neighborhood

Reduce the pressure on social services and healthcare by supporting the elderly, immigrants and the digital illiterate with volunteers from within the community.

  • Mobilize volunteers
  • Support vulnerable citizens
  • Build a strong local support network
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Ageing in place and independent living

Too often, the potential in neighbourhoods remains untapped. More than 20% of the Hoplr users want to help other neighbours.

  • Users can activate their account to help neighbours
  • Over 100 neighbour skills available
  • Informal community care
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Support vulnerable citizens offline and reduce the time to match

Reduce the pressure on social services and healthcare systems by supporting the elderly, immigrants and the digital illiterate with volunteers from within the community.

  • Offline outreachment by volunteers
  • Smart automations to match the right help
  • Central registration for all help requests
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Tackle the social challenges of tomorrow
by empowering your communities today

+ 250 Clients
+ 1000000 Registered citizens
+ 2500 Neighbourhoods

Tap into the power of the collective


Tap into the power of the collective

Unlock the potential of collaboration and co-creation by leveraging aggregated, anonymized and AI-powered collective intelligence. Enhance decision-making and tackle complex challenges with diverse perspectives.

  • AI-powered
  • Enhance decision-making
  • Diverse perspectives

White paper "The Neighbourhood of the Future"

Why should governments be investing in local community building right now? What can they do to connect more residents to the social capital of the neighbourhood?
60 pages of clear concepts and practical tips for more caring and sustainable neighbourhoods that benefit all stakeholders.

Receive our white paper

Our Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


“The past two years were a difficult period for many people. And the pandemic made us realise that we must stay in touch with others, be able to interact with them and not leave others behind. The Hoplr app is a great solution to all these challenges, especially in a city that is constantly growing. The aim is to encourage social interaction and solidarity within a neighbourhood by, for example, helping users lend and borrow items to reduce household expenses. So yes, Hoplr can really create such connections.”
Maurice Bauer Alderman, City of Luxembourg
“Hoplr helped us to make a good analysis of the neighborhood. We got a good insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the neighbourhood. Many residents voted for the priorities in the neighborhood and gave reasons why they considered a theme the most important. We were able to focus the Neighborhood Roadmap on the problems that people experienced. Hoplr helped us to structure the open answers in a clear report, which we also shared with the district.”
Wouter de Hoog Community Engagement, City of The Hague
“When social life came to a complete standstill during the first lockdown, our own neighbourhoods became the anchors that citizens could cling onto. The need for neighbourly connections was never greater and the Hoplr proved to be the perfect channel for our neighbourhoods to connect or stay connected. Strengthening social cohesion through an online neighbourhood platform such as Hoplr means making small help possible offline. These engagements are worth their weight in gold for the neighbourhood care project.”
Annelies Daniels Social Services, Municipality of Knokke-Heist

An award-winning platform for community engagement

EU Seal of Excellence

"Seal of Excellence" of the European Commission for innovation, implementation and impact.


WINNER World Summit Awards 2020 in the category Government & Citizen Engagement.


WINNER European Social Services Award 2020 in the category Technology Tool.

View our awards

Get in touch with our experts

During a 45' video call we:

  • discuss the challenges and ambitions in your city
  • give a short introduction of our organization
  • demonstrate our platform based on case studies
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